The Shaving Cadre

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Shawn's forging shed

Very nice! That’ll be a happy customer!

Did you machine the joint part too?
Thanks Chris. That is the result of an afternoon with a file.... I really wish that I had a milling machine. It would make things like that so much easier.
Thanks Chris. That is the result of an afternoon with a file.... I really wish that I had a milling machine. It would make things like that so much easier.

Well, if the lot of us ever get stuck on a chain gang together, I know who I’ll be partnered with!
Those belts cut my grinding time from about 3 hours and 2 belts each to get them flat, forge scale off, and to thickness, down to about an hour and a half and one belt to do two knives.
Big time saver and about 1/2 the cost on belts so far. And I can probably do 3 or 4 more on one belt.

And the result of that grinding, these are ready to be quenched and tempered tomorrow.

As orders start rolling in those belts will actually make you money! Great looking knives so far!
Nice work Shawn

Thanks Dave!


Nice looking blades!

Thanks Craig!

As orders start rolling in those belts will actually make you money! Great looking knives so far!
Yes they will. It will reduce the number I need to have on hand to do jobs with and actually last multiple jobs. I also got a scotchbrite belt in the last order that came in yesterday. I gave it a quick test taking a piece of steel and giving it a 220 grit finish then hitting it on the scotchbrite. That leaves a beautiful satin finish. And thank you Don!
Some bad news and some good news I guess for this update.
That drop point that is in the bottom of the last photo is sort of no longer.....

I took them out the other day, heated to critical temp then put them in sand to cool slowly. I did this twice for normalizing cycles to realign the grain structure. Then I heated to critical again and quenched, and followed with two tempering cycles at 400 degrees.

All was good. I went to the belt grinder and started my final profiling and scratch removal. Ended up making the distal taper on the drop point a little too thin. Thought it may work ok still, so I went to polishing.... Final step of polishing and the tip caught in the buffing wheel with a fairly violent reaction which resulted in a tip that was bent past where I could salvage that design.

After some additional durability testing (read as some idiot throwing a temper tantrum...) with no further damage whatsoever, I took it back to the belt grinder and re-profiled everything.

So we have a new design for that one.

A little extra work, but I am sure all will be well. You still amaze me at the skill you have.