The Shaving Cadre

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What are you drinking tonight?

This Hocking Hills bourbon was a gift from my TSC secret Santa, I figured a wee nip would be a great way to end 2023. Now that I’ve enjoyed a dram to celebrate the ending of one hellova year I think I must pour another to kick off the new year.

How do I explain this stuff? Well, it’s made by an Ohio based moonshiner known for making excellent shine…and this stuff is their first foray into “bourbon”. It is 110 proof (a proof I find to be very much to my liking these days) and oh boy can you taste and feel the high alcohol content. There is a distinct moonshine-like sweetness throughout, combined with the expected caramel and vanilla. I can’t put my finger on the other flavors, it’s like there is a smokiness…but not an obvious one like peaty scotch or the smokiness I find in Jose Cuervo gold. Heck, it might not even BE a smoke flavor but I like it. I would like to say the flavor is complex but I think it’s more along the lines of a copper pot scotch made with corn mash. Complex but not…if that makes sense. I have had 110 and 120 proof Whiskey that is smooth and ‘safe’ but this stuff uses that 110 proof power to open up so the flavors explode in your mouth. Don’t inhale directly after sipping and you’ll be fine. I don’t know if this stuff will be as interesting the whole bottle through but based on the first bit I would be willing to buy something else from Hocking Hills if the opportunity presents.
Happy new year.